Weiyun Jiang

I'm a PhD student at Rice University, where I work on imaging through turbulence. My PhD advisor is Ashok Veeraraghavan.

I have a MS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, where I worked in Gordon Wetzstein's lab. I have a BS in Electrical Engineering from UC Santa Barbara, where I worked in Zheng Zhang's lab.

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I'm interested in computational imaging, imaging through turbulence and machine learning.

NeRT: Implicit Neural Representations for General Unsupervised Turbulence Mitigation
Weiyun Jiang, Yuhao Liu, Vivek Boominathan, Ashok Veeraraghavan
CVPRW, 2023
project page / arXiv / code / data / slides

Unsupervised turbulence mitigation using a physically correct tilt-then-blur atmospheric turbulence forward model.

ConVRT: Consistent Video Restoration Through Turbulence with Test-time Optimization of Neural Video Representations
Haoming Cai*, Jingxi Chen*, Brandon Y. Feng, Weiyun Jiang, Mingyang Xie, Kevin Zhang, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Christopher Metzler
Neurips, 2024
project page / arXiv

Restores temporally coherent sharp videos from atmospheric turbulence degraded vides.

Source code from Jon Barron's website.